The Complete Guide to Ohio Homeschool Regulations

Understand the options, requirements, and benefits of homeschooling in Ohio
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Ohio has had specific laws acknowledging and governing homeschooling since 1989. Fortunately, their restrictions and requirements have evolved toward greater freedom for homeschoolers ever since.

The most recent overhaul of Ohio homeschool law came in October 2023, which means that even many veteran Ohioan homeschoolers may not be up on the latest legal requirements.

Whether you’re new to the state, considering homeschooling, or just need an update, this guide will cover everything you need to know about homeschooling in the Buckeye State. 

Table of Contents

Option 1:

Option 1: Homeschool under the “Home Education” Statute

As of October 2023, Ohio sports a new and improved homeschooling statute that has streamlined the notice requirements and provides much greater freedom for homeschoolers. Parents must notify their local school district superintendent and teach a few required subjects. The superintendent, in turn, releases them from the state’s school attendance requirements. Here are the details.

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A. Submit a Notice of Intent to Homeschool

Parents must provide notice as follows according to Section 3321.042 of the Ohio Revised Code:
(C) Within five calendar days after commencing home education, moving into a new school district, or withdrawing from a public or nonpublic school, and by the thirtieth day of August each year thereafter, the parent or guardian of a child receiving a home education shall transmit a notice to the superintendent of the child’s school district of residence. The notice shall provide the parent’s name and address, the child’s name, and an assurance that the child will receive education in the subject areas required under this section.
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Here are the takeaways in a nutshell:

The Ohio government provides a handy-dandy recommended form, but you are not required to use their form.

(Ohio Revised Code §3321.042(C))

The Ohio government provides a handy-dandy recommended form, but you are not required to use their form.

(Ohio Revised Code §3321.042(C))

The School District Superintendent’s Requirements

Ohio law states that “[t]he child’s exemption [from compulsory attendance] under this section is effective immediately upon receipt of notice.” In other words, you do not need to wait for district approval to proceed with homeschooling.The district superintendent is required, however, to “provide a written acknowledgment of the superintendent’s receipt of the notice to the parent or guardian not later than fourteen calendar days after receiving the notice.”They are also prohibited from asking you for more information than the notice requires. In case your superintendent needs a reminder, here is a pamphlet provided by the State of Ohio for that purpose.Additionally, if you ever wish to enroll your child in public school after having homeschooled, the law directs the superintendent to “[place them] in the appropriate grade level, without discrimination or prejudice, based on the policies of the child’s district of residence.”(Ohio Revised Code §3321.042)

B. Teach the required subjects

Your statement of assurance should “assure” the state that you are teaching the legally required subjects, which are: 

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Of course, in addition to providing assurance, you need to actually obtain a curriculum and teach them as well. But the good news is you have the freedom to do that in the way that you see fit. 

Homeschoolers in Ohio are not subject to teacher qualifications, curriculum requirements, number of hours/days of instruction, or assessment requirements when using Option 1.

(Ohio Revised Code §3321.042(D))

Truancy in the State of Ohio

The home education statute provides that, “If there is evidence that a child exempt under this section is not receiving an education in the subject areas required under this section, then that child may be subject to [an examination for truancy].”

This should not prevent law-abiding homeschoolers from venturing out during the day or enjoying their freedoms from conventional school hours. But it is a good reason to always document your child’s education with work samples, curriculum lists, and the like whether that is required by law or not. (In Ohio, it’s not.)

(Ohio Revised Code §3321.042(F) & §3321.19

Ohio’s Compulsory Age of School Attendance

The compulsory school age in Ohio is between 6 and 18 years of age. Each child who is 6 years old on or before the start of school must attend school until they are 18 or have graduated. Most homeschool legal advocacy groups believe that a parent-issued high school diploma should exempt their children from this requirement.

Children under 6 who have already been enrolled in kindergarten are also subject to compulsory attendance.

If you’re curious about what a school year looks like for public school students in Ohio, the law mandates that it, “shall not be for less than thirty-two weeks per school year.”

(Ohio Revised Code §3321.01 et seq.)

Option 2:

Option 2: Forming a Non-chartered Private School

Prior to October 2023, these schools were called “-08 schools” after the statute that governed them. Since the legal update that created §3301.0732, these schools are referred to as Non-chartered Non-tax supported (Public), or NCNP, schools. 

This law is designed for a school that is “not seeking a charter from the department of education and workforce because of truly held religious beliefs,” in other words a sectarian or religious school.

While parents are free to enroll their child in a multi-family religious school in Ohio, they may also homeschool by creating their own NCNP under this statute. Although, there are many more requirements to do so than there are under Option 1.

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Chloe Hughes

Specialized Homeschool Educator and Learning Facilitato

With 16 years of experience as a specialized homeschool educator in Ohio, I specialize in providing personalized academic support for students with diverse learning needs. My expertise includes special education, mathematics…


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Jackson Reed

Advanced Homeschool Educator and Educational Consultant

As an advanced homeschool educator and educational consultant based in Ohio, I bring over 17 years of experience in optimizing learning outcomes for students. My expertise spans educational psychology, mathematics, language arts…


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Madison Cooper

Dedicated Homeschool Instructor and Learning Specialist

With 11 years of experience as a dedicated homeschool instructor in Ohio, I specialize in providing comprehensive academic support across various subject areas. My approach emphasizes creating engaging learning environments…


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A. Have the Necessary Qualifications

The statute mandates that, “[t]eachers and administrators at nonchartered nonpublic schools shall hold at least a bachelor’s degree, or the equivalent, from a recognized college or university.”

(Ohio Revised Code §3301.0732(D)

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B. Meet Hours Requirements

Unlike Option 1, instructional hours are required for NCNP schools. They must operate for at least 455 hours for part-time kindergarten, 910 hours for all-day kindergarten through 6th grade, and 1,001 hours for 7th through 12th grade.

(Ohio Revised Code §3301.0732(B))

C. Teach the Required Subjects

The required courses of study are more than under Option 1, too. NCNP schools must provide courses in at least:
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D. Promote Students on the Regular

The statute requires NCNP schools to “follow regular procedures for promotion from grade to grade for pupils who have met the school’s educational requirements.”

E. Follow Health, Fire, and Safety Regulations

NCNP schools “shall comply with all applicable health, fire, and safety laws.”

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F. Certify Annually That You Meet the Minimum Educational Standards

Ironically, this certification is called the “report to the parents.” So, you are required to report to yourself that, “the school meets minimum education standards for nonchartered nonpublic schools as described in this section.” 

And, although you might not feel like you need this reassurance, “a copy of the report shall be filed with the department of education and workforce on or before the thirtieth day of September of each year.”

G. Report Attendance

Subsection C of the statute says that the parents of an NCNP school student shall report that child’s enrollment or withdrawal to the treasurer of the board of education of the local school district. However, “[a]n individual in charge of the nonchartered nonpublic school may, as a matter of convenience, provide the report to the treasurer on behalf of the parents.” Of course, if you’re running your own NCNP school, that will be you, just the same. So much for convenience. 
Additionally, “[t]he attendance report shall include the name, age, and place of residence of each pupil below eighteen years of age. The report shall be made within the first two weeks of the beginning of each school year. In the case of pupil withdrawal or entrance during the school year, notice shall be given to the treasurer of the appropriate board of education within the first week of the next school month.” This requirement is similar to, though not completely the same as, the notice requirement in Option 1.

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Excluded Benefits for NCNP Schools

And in case you were hoping the local school bus would stop at your door and give your kid a ride around the block:“Pupils attending a nonchartered nonpublic school shall not be entitled to pupil transportation or auxiliary services. A nonchartered nonpublic school is not entitled to reimbursement for administrative costs.”
((Ohio Revised Code §3301.0732(H)) )

Benefits for Ohio Homeschoolers

Ohio protects homeschoolers and their freedoms with homeschool-specific laws, but access to other benefits varies widely.
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Special Education Services

Ohio homeschoolers with special needs children do not need to follow any additional requirements. However, homeschoolers or students of an NCNP school are not eligible to receive district-funded special education services.

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Access to Public School Sports & Extracurricular Activities

Homeschoolers in Ohio can participate in public school extracurricular activities with the same access and requirements that a public school student has.

“Extracurricular activities” are considered those run by a school or district that are “not included in a graded course of study.” If your district doesn’t offer the specific activity you want, the superintendent of a different district may allow your child to participate as an out-of-district student.

The same fees and athletic ability tests (where applicable) apply to homeschoolers as they do to public school students.

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Dual Credit Enrollment

Ohio allows homeschoolers in grades 7 through 12 to earn high school and college credit concurrently at participating colleges and universities through their “College Credit Plus” program.

Not only that, but tuition for these dually enrolled students at public colleges is free. Certain participating private colleges may charge modest fees, and families must foot the bill for textbooks.

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Ohio High School Diplomas

Parents or guardians in charge of a home education program or an NCNP may issue high school diplomas that include certain state seals and fulfill all the same proof requirements as a diploma issued by a public school or district.

Financial Resources for Florida Homeschoolers

Ohio does not provide public funds for homeschoolers. However, there are tax credits and other programs some homeschoolers may be eligible for.

Other Important Info for Ohio Homeschoolers


There are no immunization requirements in Ohio for homeschoolers under Option 1 or Option 2.

(Ohio Revised Code §3313.6110)



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