Special Education Services
Families with special needs children do not need to follow any additional requirements other than those that apply to all homeschoolers. However, because they are considered “private school” students, they may be entitled to services funded by both the federal government and the state. Homeschooling parents may request something called proportional share services. This is a portion of funds set aside by a school district to provide special education services specifically for private school or homeschooled students. Individual districts then determine what services will be provided. Additionally, children 5 and under with special needs are eligible for evaluation and services in their district. These services—such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and more—are called early childhood services and are available regardless of whether the family homeschools or intends to homeschool the child. (Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 2, §89.1096 & Texas Education Code Section 29.004)