Olivia Richards - Homeschool Tutor - Girl standing in garden - church

Homeschool Tutoring

Olivia Richards


(40 ratings)

Dedicated Full-time Homeschool Teacher & Tutor | Let's get started!


Greetings! I’m Olivia Richards, your devoted full-time homeschool instructor and guide! With a rich tapestry of 8 years of experience, I’ve had the honor of accompanying countless students on their educational odysseys, each journey a vibrant mosaic of discovery and growth. My passion for nurturing young minds blossomed during my time at Stanford University, where I immersed myself in the art of education, earning a Master’s degree that serves as the foundation of my pedagogical philosophy. As your homeschooling mentor, my aim extends far beyond the mere imparting of knowledge – I am here to kindle a lifelong flame of curiosity and inquiry within you.


Together, we will traverse the realms of mathematics, unravel the mysteries of science, and traverse the landscapes of literature, all within the framework of your unique learning proclivities and passions. Whether we convene virtually or in person, rest assured that my guidance will be tailored to suit your individual needs and aspirations. Bearing the imprimatur of a sterling 4.9-star rating from a cohort of 40 delighted students and parents, I am humbled by the accolades that attest to the efficacy of my methods. From fostering self-assurance to achieving scholastic milestones, my mission is to empower you to soar to the zenith of your potential. But don’t take my word for it – peruse the testimonials of those who have traversed this educational journey alongside me. So, are you prepared to embark upon this voyage of homeschooling enlightenment with me as your compass? Whether you dwell on the far-flung fringes of the nation or in the vicinity of my own doorstep, know that I am here to serve as your steadfast ally in the pursuit of educational excellence. Let us embark upon this expedition together and unfurl the sails of knowledge upon the boundless sea of learning!


Stanford University | Masters in Education


300+ Available Homeschool Tutors!

We will be in touch shortly with more information and homeschool tutor availability. Thank you!